Sunday, May 27, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for May 27, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 27/05/2012.
Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil

Robbery: 01

·        A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 26/05/2012 at 2130 hrs naear Kadri kambala road Mangalore one Abhijith Rai (18) R/o Thodar village Mangalore Taluk was his way from motorcycle bearing Reg. KA-19-U-3806. At that time 3 unknown persons came in to motorcycle snatched the gold chain from her neck and ran away.. The total value of stolen property is Rs.36, 000/.

Burglary: 01

·        A case of Burglary has been registered in Mulki Police Station. In between 0730 hrs and 2200 hrs of 18/05/2012 some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Nicolas clady (51) R/o Mangalore Taluk by breaking the roof tiles and committed a theft of gold ornaments, and 5 kg cashew in worth Rs. 60,300/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 01


Non-Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore Traffic west Police Station. On 26/05/2012 at 1830 hrs one driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-D-5487 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-7901. As a result motorcycle rider one Imthiyaz R/o Kulashekar Mangalore Taluk sustained simple injuries.  

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

·        A case of Rioting, Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace and Mischief causing damage along with Hurt has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 26/05/2012 at 0920 hrs accused Prakashasome unknown persons forming into an unlawful assembly criminally restrained an auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-D-2118 near Someshwara Mangalore Taluk and assaulted one Althaf and Arif with hand and also damaged the auto rickshaw. Owing to trivial issue.

Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: Nil
Fine amounts collected: Nil

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            0824/2220800      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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