Friday, August 31, 2012

Morning Mist Attack Case: Bail Application Rejected

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Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 31, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 31/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01

  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Panambur Police Station. In between 29/08/2012 at 1900 hrs and 30/08/2012 at 0800 hrs some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one R Ramaswamy (36) R/o Panambur Mangalore Taluk by breaking the door lock and committed theft of gold ornaments worth Rs.6,740/.

Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: Nil
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 02

  • A case under Criminal restraint, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 24/08/2012 at 1830 hrs accused Honnayya, Narayana and Sheshappa criminally restrained one Sundara Poojary (25) R/o Konaje village Mangalore Taluk abused in filthy language and also assaulted him by hand owing to trivial issue.

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 30/08/2012 at 1350 hrs near HPCL Kolani Panambur accused Usman and others abused one Shabhi in filthy language and also assaulted him by hand. They also assaulted Mohammad Asif (30) R/o Jokatte village Mangalore Taluk with iron rod who came to help Shabhi. The motive seems to be civil dispute between Shabi and accused persons.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 124
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 14,400/-

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 29, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 29/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil

Robbery: 01

  • A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore Rural Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 28/08/2012 at 1230 hrs near Maddara house at Padavu village Mangalore Taluk one J.Chennama(68) R/o Kulashekar Mangalore Taluk  was her way from home by walk. At that time two unknown persons snatched the gold chain from her neck and ran away. The value of the property is Rs. 30,000/.

Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 01

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 01

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panamburu Police Station. On 28/08/2012 at 1530 hrs at Baikampady Mangalore Taluk one driver of Tipper Lorry bearing Reg. No. KA-20-B-533 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a Maruthi-800 car bearing Reg. No. KA-20-N-7093 driven by one Abdul khaddar R/o thokuru village Mangalore Taluk  . As a result Omni got damaged. No casualties reported.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mulky Police Station. On 0828/08/2012 at 1630 hrs at Kollur village Mangalore Taluk one Piyush D’Souza driver of Mini bus bearing Reg. No. KA-20-A-4200 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a In nova car bearing Reg. No. MH-04-DW-8443. As a result car driver Pramod Kotyan (39) R/o Palimar village Udupi Taluk and Raju Kavade and also mini bus passengers sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 261
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 33,300

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Morning Mist Attack Case: Bail Application Rejected

F ¢£À ¢£ÁAPÀ 28-7-2012 gÀAzÀÄ ¥ÀrÃ¯ï §qÀèUÀÄqÉØAiÀÄ°è ªÀiÁ¤ðAUï «Ä¸ïÖ JA§ ºÉÆÃA ¸ÉÖÃAiÀÄ°è AiÀÄĪÀPÀ/AiÀÄĪÀwAiÀÄgÀÄ §vïðqÉà ¥Ánð £ÀqɸÀÄwÛzÀÝ ¸ÀªÀÄAiÀÄ zsÁ½ £Àqɹ, C°èzÀÝ AiÀÄĪÀPÀ/AiÀÄĪÀwAiÀÄjUÉ ºÀ¯Éè £ÀqɹzÀ PÀÄjvÀAvÉ ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ UÁæªÀiÁAvÀgÀ oÁuÉAiÀÄ°è ¥ÀæPÀgÀt zÁR¯ÁVgÀÄvÀÛzÉ. ¸À¢æ ¥ÀæPÀgÀtªÀÅ ¸ÁªÀðd¤PÀ ªÀ®AiÀÄzÀ°è ºÉtÄÚ ªÀÄPÀ̼À ªÉÄÃ¯É £ÀqÉzÀ ºÉÃAiÀÄPÀÈvÀåªÉAzÀÄ ¥ÀjUÀt¸À®ànÖzÉ. ºÀ¯ÉèUÉƼÀUÁzÀ AiÀÄĪÀPÀ/AiÀÄĪÀwgÀ°è ºÉaÑ£ÀªÀgÀÄ PÁ¯ÉÃdÄ «zÁåyðUÀ¼ÁVzÀÄÝ, vÀªÀÄä UɼÉAiÀÄgÀ ºÀÄlÄÖºÀ§âzÀ DZÀgÀuÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß ªÀiÁqÀ®Ä MlÄÖPÀÆrzÀ ¸ÀAzÀ¨sÀðzÀ°è DgÉÆæUÀ¼ÀÄ, vÁªÉà zsÁ½ £ÀqɹzÀÄÝ, Erà gÁµÀÖçzÀ UÀªÀÄ£À ¸É¼É¢vÀÄÛ.  F §UÉÎ ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ UÁæªÀiÁAvÀgÀ oÁuÉAiÀÄ°è ¥ÀæPÀgÀt zÁR¯ÁV, vÀ¤SÉAiÀÄ°èzÀÄÝ. ¸À¢æ ¥ÀæPÀgÀtzÀ°è FUÁUÀ¯Éà 24 DgÉÆæUÀ¼À£ÀÄß zÀ¸ÀÛVj ªÀiÁr, ªÀiÁ£Àå £ÁåAiÀiÁ®AiÀÄzÀ ªÀÄÄAzÉ ºÁdgÀÄ¥Àr¸À¯ÁV, J¯Áè DgÉÆæUÀ½UÉ  £ÁåAiÀiÁAUÀ §AzsÀ£À UÀÄj¥Àr¹gÀÄvÀÛzÉ.

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Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 28, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 28/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 01

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 01

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 26/08/2012 at 1930 hrs Kallabettu Mangalore Taluk one driver of Unknown Omni car drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Sheena (40) R/o Marpady village Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Moodabidre Police Station. On 27/08/2012 in between 1930 hrs and 0900 hrs one Sanjeeva Acharya R/o Mantrady village Mangalore Taluk committed suicide by hanging near his house owing to health problem.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 98
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 12,400

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 27, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 27/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil

Robbery: 01

  • A case of Robbery has been registered in Konaje Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 25/08/2012 at 1900 hrs at Harekala village Mangalore Taluk one Rohini Ganesh (31) R/o Pajeeru village Bantwal Taluk was her way to his house by walk. At that time accused 2 unknown persons came in to motorcycle snatched the gold chain from her neck and ran away.

Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 26/08/2012 at 1730 hrs near Jalamandi temple at Bajpe village Mangalore Taluk one driver of Omni bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Z-2364 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a car bearing Reg. No. KA-21-N-1787 driven by one Harish Bhat R/o Padnoor village Puttur Taluk. As a result car got damaged. No casualties reported.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 25/08/2012 at 2115 hrs at Derebail village Mangalore Taluk one rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-21-K-4416 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Dayananda R/o Derebail village Mangalore Taluk a pedestrian and caused him simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil

Spl. And local laws: 01

  • A case of Gambling under Karnataka Police Act has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 26/08/2012 at 1715 hrs on credible information PI Bajpe PS along with staff conducted a raid at Adyapady Bajpe village Mangalore Taluk. At the time of raid Police found 08 persons playing “Ander- Bahar” with cards. The Police seized cash Rs. 6,210/ and playing cards from the spot by arresting Sathish, Beemappa, Manjunatha, Devendra, Nithyananda, Sandeep, Laxman Poojary and Ganesh who were indulged in gambling.

Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 20
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 2000/.

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 26, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 26/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore Rural Police Station. On 24/08/2012 at 1730 hrs on NH 75 at Arkula village Mangalore Taluk one driver of pick-up bearing Reg. No. KA-19-D-6369 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EB-2492. As a result motorcycle rider Mohammad Sali R/o Kannur village Mangalore Taluk sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On 25/08/2012 at 0645 hrs at Kadri junction Mangalore one driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-46-O-2429 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EA-2897. As a result motorcycle rider Shekar Shetty (42) R/o Mangalore Taluk sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 166
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 17,000

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 25, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 25/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01

  • A case of Burglary along with Ordinary Theft has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. In between 1800 hrs of 23/08/2012 and 0930 hrs of 24/08/2012 some unknown culprits committed theft of a mini Laptop belonging to one Mallika Rai R/o Kulashekar Mangalore Taluk which was kept inside at P.W.D Income Tax office Mangalore. The stolen property is yet to be not estimated.

Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 01

  • A case of MV theft has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. In between 2300 hrs of 23/08/2012 and 0400 hrs of 24/08/2012 some unknown culprits committed theft of a Bajaj platinum Motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-X-9365 belonging to one Pradeep R/o Bolara Mangalore Taluk  which was parked in front of near Lower Car street Mangalore Taluk . The motorcycle is worth Rs. 26,000/.

Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: Nil.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Ulla Police Station. On 23/08/2012 at 1830 hrs accused Asfaq, Shasheer and Fayaz abused one Abdul Khadar (30) R/o Someshwara Mangalore Taluk in filthy language near K.C Road Mangalore Taluk and assaulted him with wooden stick and also gave life threat to him owing to financial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 05/08/2012 at 0800 hrs one Sheela (24) accidentally got serious burn injuries while lighting a kerosene lamp in his house and was admitted to Wenlock hospital at Mangalore where she succumbed to her injuries while under treatment on 24/08/2012 at 0600 hrs.

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Urwa Police Station. On 124/08/2012 at 0730 hrs one Saraswathi (44) R/o Bejai Mangalore Taluk committed suicide by hanging in his house owing to personal problem.

Missing Persons: Nil

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 169
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 20,400

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 23, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 23/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil

Motor Vehicle Theft: 01

  • A case of MV theft has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On 14/08/2012 In between 2030 hrs and 2200 hrs some unknown culprits committed theft of a Hero Honda Passion plus Motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-S-2360 belonging to one Shabeer Ahammad R/o Navoor Bantwal Taluk  which was parked in front of near Noor Mosque at Hampankatte Mangalore. The motorcycle is worth Rs. 15000/.

Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: Nil.
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Mangalore Rural Police Station. On 21/08/2012 one unknown male dead body aged about was found near Pumpwell at Kankanady village Mangalore Taluk. It seems to be a some illness.

Missing Persons: Nil

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 227
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 24,400

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Monthly SC ST Meeting

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Muder Case Accused Arrested

¢£ÁAPÀ 22-08-2012 gÀAzÀÄ  ¨É½UÉÎ 10-00 UÀAmÉUÉ §PÉð ¥Éưøï oÁuÉAiÀÄ C.PÀæ. 44/2012 PÀ®A 302 L¦¹ PÉÆ¯É ¥ÀæPÀgÀtzÀ DgÉÆæ gÀvÁßPÀgÀ @ gÀvÀÄÛ  JA¨ÁvÀ£À£ÀÄß ªÀÄAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ GvÀÛgÀ ¥Éưøï oÁuÉAiÀÄ ¥ÉÆ°Ã¸ï ¤jÃPÀëPÀgÁzÀ ²æà «£ÀAiÀÄ J UÁAªÀÌgï gÀªÀgÀÄ zÀ¸ÀÛVj ªÀiÁr ¥ÀæPÀgÀtªÀ£ÀÄß ¥ÀvÉÛ ªÀiÁrgÀÄvÁÛgÉ. ¥ÀæPÀgÀtzÀ DgÉÆæ ¥ÀvÉÛUÉ ¦J¸ïL §PÉð ¥Éưøï oÁuÉ ¥ÀƪÀ¥Àà ºÉZï.JªÀiïgÀªÀgÀÄ ¹§âA¢UÀ¼ÉÆA¢UÉ DgÉÆævÀ£À£ÀÄß ¨ÉÆüÀÆgÀÄ ¨ÉÆPÀÌ¥ÀlÚzÀ §½ ªÀ±ÀPÉÌ ¥ÀqÉzÀÄPÉÆAqÀÄ zÀ¸ÀÛVj ªÀiÁqÀ®Ä ¸ÀºÀPÀj¹gÀÄvÁÛgÉ.

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Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 22, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 22/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil

Robbery: 01

  • A case under Robbery has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 21-08-2012 near KPT Mangalore one Shahikala (69) R/o near KPT Mangalore was on her way to home. At that time, 2 unknown persons came in a motorcycle near her and snatched the gold chain from her neck and escaped in a motorcycle. The value of property is around Rs.77, 000/.

Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: Nil

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 21-08-2012 at 0630 hrs on NH 66 at Permannur village Mangalore Taluk one Laveena driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-05-MC-5064 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against an Auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-5642. As a result one Hathaulla Khan R/o Yashvanthpura Bangalore who was travelling in said Auto rickshaw sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Ullal Police Station. On 21-08-2012 at 1200 hrs at Ullal Mangalore Taluk one Gopi driver of Auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-6208 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EE-2840. As a result motorcycle rider Mahammad Haneef and pillion rider Mahammad Shareef (34) R/o Ullal Mangalore sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 193
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 29,700

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 21, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 21/08/2012.

Murder: 01

  • A case under Murder has been registered in Barke Police Station. In between 19/08/2012 at 2000 hrs and 20/08/2012 at 1900 hrs accused one Rathnakara murderd his brother one Vishwambhara (53) R/o Boloor Mangalore in his house by assaulting him with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.

Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil
Road Traffic Accidents: Nil
Fatal: Nil
Non-Fatal: Nil
Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Girl missing has been registered in Barke Police Station. On 19/08/2012 at 1200 hrs one Bhagya (21) who was working in office at Mannagudde Mangalore left her office and did not return her office and house there after. She has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 15
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 3,000

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 20, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 20/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 04

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 04

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore Traffic East Police Station. On 19/08/2012 at 0030 hrs at Nanthoor junction Mangalore one unknown car driver drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EF-2638. As a result motorcycle rider Varun K (25) R/o Shakthinagar Mangalore Taluk and pillion rider Nagaraj sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Konaje Police Station. On 18/08/2012 at 0820 hrs at Manjanadi village Mangalore Taluk one Moosakunha driver of Maruthi car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-M-4235 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Abdul Rasheed (50) R/o Naringana village Bantwal Taluk a pedestrian, car driver Moosakunha, Anwar and Mahammad Shareef who were travelling in said car sustained grievous injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 18/08/2012 on NH 66 at Surathkal Mangalore Taluk one driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-14-A-4629 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-MB-4864 driven by one Nithin Maroli R/o Kulshekara Mangalore Taluk. As a result car got damaged. No casualties reported.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mulki Police Station. On 19/08/2012 at 1030 hrs at Mannabettu village Mangalore Taluk one Abdul Rehman rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EE-1669 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against another TVS motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EE-3172. As a result motorcycle rider Jayanth Saliyan (40) R/o Mandugudu village Mangalore Taluk and pillion rider Mahammad Ashfak sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 01
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 300

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 18, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 18/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 03

Fatal: 01

  • A case of Fatal Road accident has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 17/08/2012 at 1915 hrs on NH 66 at Kulai village Mangalore Taluk one Rajesh driver of bus bearing Reg. No. KA-21-9864 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against one Ramji Chimal a pedestrian and caused him serious injuries. Further he was admitted to the Mukka Srinivas hospital at Mangalore where he succumbed to his injuries while under treatment on same day at 1951 hrs.

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 15/08/2012 at 1000 hrs on NH 66 at Hosabettu village Mangalore Taluk one Faruq rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EF-5911 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and applied break suddenly due which the motorcycle capsized. As a result motorcycle rider Faruq and pillion rider Nasir Hussain (45) R/o Mooduperara village Mangalore Taluk sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 17/08/2012 at 0815 hrs at Kavoor village Mangalore Taluk one driver of Auto rickshaw bearing Reg. No. KA-19-D-5686 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-Q-1301. As a result motorcycle rider one Deendas R/o Kavoor village Mangalore Taluk sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Surathkal Police Station. On 17/08/2012 in between 0300 hrs and 0930 hrs one Dileep Kumar (45) R/o Kulai village Mangalore Taluk committed suicide by hanging in his house owing to personal problem.

Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 106
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 10,800

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Persons Convicted who were disturbing the Police Duty

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Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 17, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 17/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil
Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 01

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 01

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 15/08/2012 at 0500 hrs on NH 66 at Panambur Mangalore Taluk one Arun Holla rider of motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-20-V-6956 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and lost control over his vehicle due which motorcycle capsized. As a result rider of said motorcycle Arun Holla R/o Saligrama village Udupi and pillion rider Shashank K (22) R/o Saligrama village Udupi sustained grievous injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil

Riots: 01

  • A case under Rioting, Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace, Hurt along with Criminal intimidation has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 15/08/2012 at 2020 hrs accused A K Ashraff, Azeez, Rasheed, Jahir, Honest Jabbar, and U P Ibrahim forming into an unlawful assembly at Addur village Mangalore Taluk and abused A K Mahammad (40) R/o Addur village Mangalore Taluk and A K Iliyas R/o Addur village Mangalore Taluk in filthy language and assaulted by hand and with wooden stick owing to trivial issue.

Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 01

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 15/08/2012 at 1400 hrs one Harshith (16) R/o Ashok Nagara Mangalore Taluk accidentally slipped into the pond while taking bath near his house and died due drawing.

Missing Persons: 01

  • A case of Man missing has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 16/08/2012 at 1530 hrs one Arun (29) R/o Kavoor village Mangalore Taluk who went to pond at Moodushedde village Mangalore Taluk. There he accidentally fell into the pond and got washed away. He has not been traced so far.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 111
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 11,900

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 16, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 16/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil

Robbery: 01

  • A case of Robbery has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station relating to an incident of chain snatching. On 15/08/2012 at 2130 hrs near Sarvamangala apartment Valenceya Mangalore one Urmila (43) R/o Sarvamangala apartment Valenceya Mangalore was her way from home by walk. At that time one unknown person came in to motorcycle snatched the Mangala sutra and gold chain from her neck and ran away. The value of the property is Rs. 1, 30,000/.

Burglary: Nil
Ordinary Theft: Nil
Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 02

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 15/08/2012 at 0645 hrs on NH 66 at Meenakaliya cross Baikampady one driver of car bearing Reg. No. KA-20-A-9472 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a Honda Active bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EC-9060. As a result rider of Honda Active one Shashidharan (57) R/o Panambur Mangalore Taluk sustained simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Kavoor Police Station. On 15/08/2012 at 1015 hrs on NH 66 at Kottara Chowki Mangalore Taluk one unknown driver of Eicher lorry drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a motorcycle bearing Reg. No. KA-19-EC-4731. As a result rider of motorcycle one Sachith and pillion rider Abhishek sustained simple injuries.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil

Hurts: 01

  • A case under Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace along with Hurt has been registered in Panambur Police Station. On 15/08/2012 at 1240 hrs accused one Khadar abused one Alburt R/o Kasaba Bengre Mangalore Taluk in filthy language at Kasaba Bengre village Mangalore Taluk and assaulted him with knife owing to trivial issue.

Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil
Unnatural Death Report: Nil
Missing Persons: Nil
Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 78
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 7,600

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Daily Crime Incidents for Aug 15, 2012.

The following are the crimes reported in Mangalore City Police Commissionerate during the last 24 hrs as at 1600 hrs on 15/08/2012.

Murder: Nil
Dacoity: Nil
Robbery: Nil

Burglary: 01

  • A case of Burglary has been registered in Mulki Police Station. In between 1900 hrs of 13/08/2012 and 0530 hrs of 14/08/2012 some unknown culprits gained entry into the house belonging to one Prema (30) R/o Kemral village Mangalore Taluk by removing roof tiles and committed a theft of gold ornaments and cash Rs. 500/ all in worth Rs. 55,000/.

Ordinary Theft: 01

  • A case of Ordinary theft has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. In between 1900 hrs of 13/08/2012 and 0700 hrs of 14/07/2012 some unknown culprits committed theft of 06 Batteries which were fixed to ATM machine at Central Bank of India Hampankattta Mangalore. The total worth of stolen property is worth Rs. 40,000/.

Motor Vehicle Theft: Nil
Crime against Women: Nil

Road Traffic Accidents: 02

Fatal: Nil

Non-Fatal: 02

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Mangalore Traffic East Police Station. On 14/08/2012 at 1000 hrs at Mahakalipadpu Mangalore one driver of 407 Tempo bearing Reg. No. KA-19-A-4335 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a one Pushpa (37) a pedestrian and caused her simple injuries.

  • A case of Non Fatal Road accident has been registered in Bajpe Police Station. On 13/08/2012 at 1930 hrs at Suralpady Badagulippady village Mangalore Taluk one Lingappa driver of Tipper bearing Reg. No. KA-19-D-4663 drove his vehicle in a rash and negligent manner and collided against a car bearing Reg. No. KA-19-C-1022. As a result both the vehicles got damaged. No causalities reported. The tipper driver escaped from the place without stopping his vehicle.

Cheating/Criminal Breach of Trust: Nil
Attempt to Murder: Nil
Riots: Nil
Hurts: Nil
Others: Nil
Spl. And local laws: Nil

Unnatural Death Report: 02

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Mangalore East Police Station. On the night of 13/08/2012 one Rakhilal (32) found dead at Shanthi Nilaya Balmatta Mangalore. The death seems to be heavy drunkenness.

  • A case of Unnatural Death Report has been registered in Mangalore South Police Station. On the night of 13/08/2012 one K. K Chandre Gowda committed suicide by hanging near his room at south Dakke Mangalore owing to personal problem. 

Missing Persons: 01 

  • A case of Girls missing has been registered in Mangalore North Police Station. On 12/08/2012 atr 0900 hrs one Priya (19) R/o Garodi Mangalore went to work at Hampankatta Mangalore and did not return to her house thereafter. She has been found missing since then.

Preventive Actions: Nil

Motor Vehicle cases booked & Fine Amount collected:

Cases Booked: 71
Fine amounts collected: Rs. 11,600

For details contact City Control Room on 0824/2220800.